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ethics policy

Our ethics policy

An organization like ours take in consideration all the possible ethical norms to be followed not just for the growth and benefits for the company but also to make space in the minds of our customers and Clients .

Ethics vary from brand to brand and here at City Promoter & Buildwell Pvt. Ltd. we assure that a policy we believe in takes in pursuit the vision and mission of the company very precisely .

Our objectives make way through our demonstrated ethics that go behind like integrity and transparency of work process with customers satisfaction has be our major value surface .

We take in consideration the prompt payment values with the sub- contractors, suppliers and the employees form our own company. We believe that reminders are not required to make sure about the payment flow, therefore requests are not needed.

We make sure about the welfare of our workers, company employees and the labour of sub- contractors, since the wellbeing of your workers and employees are as much important as the appropriate delivery of the work to the client.

Also, at City Promoter & Buildwell Pvt. Ltd. we ensure the safety of our workers at the primacy through safe and healthy engineering process to minimize the risk of the workers.

Our ethics policy at City Promoter & Buildwell Pvt. Ltd. says it all with just one thing which is ; “Follow the laws and jurisdiction that are laid down , give lesser importance to get amends in law, but in work”.

We are committed to the responsible use of City Promoter & Buildwell Pvt. Ltd. assets; to provide accurate, complete and objective information; to respect the privacy of financial and clientele information ; to practice trust worthiness and care in all believe in doing so , promote ethical behavior through the brand .